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Regentville Tennis Players Francis

The first thing that struck me about Francis is his serving accuracy of his extreme slice serve. He has the ability to put the serve right at the corner of the service boxes with great ease. The other about his serves are not only that they are very fast, but it skids very low making it very tough to return the shot with pace and deep into his court.
The other highlight to Francis’ game is his consistency and movement about the court. He is able to read the game and control the game based on his all round consistent play which is a huge benefit to the player and his doubles partner. Francis's consistent game play and hard work had brought him the Filipino Tennis Club class B2 singles title as well as several close matches that nearly brought him a mixed doubles class C title. Unfortunately he felt short in the semi finals.
Besides being a formidable tennis player, Francis has a very interesting pastime. He modifies and customizes his own racquets modifying the length of the tennis frame, adding lead tape and customizing the balance of each individual racquet to his personal liking. Among all the Regentville tennis players Francis is the only player that has to expertise to do his own tennis racquet customization.
Francis is clearly a player to look out for and I am sure we'll see more success for Francis in the next few Filipino Tennis Club tournaments to come. We wished him continued success in his game and value his contribution to the Regentville tennis team being an integral part in our future success as a team.
i came here from yahoo and find it interesting
Posted by
Peter |
Wednesday, April 29, 2009 3:21:00 AM